Eric Sturdza Investments legt neuen Fonds für US Small & Mid Caps auf

EQS-News: E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited

/ Schlagwort(e): Fonds/Produkteinführung

Eric Sturdza Investments legt neuen Fonds für US Small & Mid Caps auf

18.06.2024 / 09:41 CET/CEST

Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

Eric Sturdza Investments legt neuen Fonds für US Small & Mid Caps auf

  • Der Strategic US Opportunities Fund von Eric Sturdza Investments fokussiert sich auf weniger bekannte Aktien von inhabergeführten Unternehmen

Genf, 18. Juni 2024 – Eric Sturzda Investments weitet seine Zusammenarbeit mit Crawford Fund Management (Crawford) aus und lanciert mit dem Strategic US Opportunities Fund einen reinen long-only Aktienfonds. Der neue Fonds fokussiert sich auf eigentümergeführte US-Unternehmen und folgt dem Erfolgsrezept des im November 2022 aufgelegten Long-Short-Fonds.

Eigentümergeführte Firmen machen 10 bis 15 Prozent der börsennotierten Unternehmen in den USA aus, meist im Small und Mid Cap-Segment. Häufig handelt es sich dabei um Unternehmen, die von Wall-Street-Analysten kaum berücksichtigt werden. Die Anlagestrategie mit dem Fokus auf eigentümergeführte Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf Managementteams, die ihren persönlichen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg in erster Linie aus der Wertschöpfung des Eigenkapitals und nicht aus ihren Gehältern und Boni erzielen.

Grundvoraussetzung für die Aufnahme in den Fonds ist eine eigens durchgeführte Analyse, die zum Ziel hat, eigentümergeführte Gesellschaften zu identifizieren. Dabei werden auch andere Anlagekriterien erfüllt. Crawford prüft auch die Positionierung eines Unternehmens im Hinblick auf das Branchenumfeld, das Potenzial zur Generierung von freiem Cashflow, die Qualität der Bilanz, seine fundamentale Bewertung und die Qualität seines Managements. Das Portfolio des Strategic US Opportunities Fund wird zwischen 20 und 50 Positionen enthalten.

„Wir streben nach der ‚Crème de la Crème‘ der US-amerikanischen Small und Mid Caps“, so Christopher Crawford, CIO bei Crawford Fund Management. „Wir halten stetig Ausschau nach Unternehmen mit guten Geschäftsmodellen zum richtigen Preis, die von fähigen Leuten geführt werden.“

„Wir freuen uns, erneut mit Crawford bei diesem neuen Long-Only-Produkt zusammenzuarbeiten“, sagt Andreas Söderholm, Head bei Eric Sturdza Investments.
„Der Fonds bietet eine einzigartige Möglichkeit, in erstklassige Unternehmen in den USA zu investieren. Unser Ziel ist es, den US-Markt weiterhin zu schlagen, wie es Crawford in den vergangenen 15 Jahren getan hat.“

Über Crawford Fund Management:

Crawford Fund Management (Crawford) mit Sitz in Boston, USA, managt bereits einen UCITS-konformen Long-Short-Aktienfonds für Eric Sturdza Investments – den Strategic Long Short Fund. Mit dem Strategic US Opportunities Fund, der die Long-Strategie des Strategic Long Short Fund nachbildet, wird das Mandat ausgeweitet. Das Team von Crawford Fund Management besteht aus Chris Crawford, Managing Partner und Chief Investment Officer, Jonathan R. Saunders, Partner und Senior Analyst und Scott Utzinger, Partner und Chief Operating Officer. Crawford verwaltet seit mehr als 15 Jahren eine Long-Short-Strategie in den USA.

Über Eric Sturdza Investments

Eric Sturdza Investments ist eine Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft, die aktiv gemanagte Investmentstrategien für institutionelle Investoren und Privatanleger anbietet. Wir bieten Anlegern Zugang zu erfahrenen Portfoliomanagern in Bereichen, in denen wir glauben, dass wir überdurchschnittliche Renditen für ihre Investments erzielen können. Das Unternehmen gehört zur Eric Sturdza Group mit Sitz in Genf, zu der eine Privatbank, ein Family Office und eine Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaft gehören. Das Vermögensverwaltungsgeschäft hat seinen Sitz in Genf und verfügt über Niederlassungen in Guernsey und Luxemburg. 

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This marketing communication relates to E.I. Sturdza Funds plc, an open-ended umbrella investment company with variable capital and segregated liability between Funds incorporated with limited liability in Ireland under the Companies Act 2014 with registration number 461518 (the “Company”) and established as an undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) pursuant to the European Directive no 2009/65/EC as amended (the “UCITS Directive”), and the sub-fund mentioned within this communication (the “Fund”). A decision may be taken at any time to terminate the arrangements made for the marketing of the Fund in any EEA Member State in which it is currently marketed. In such circumstances, Shareholders in the affected EEA Member State will be notified of this decision and will be provided with the opportunity to redeem their shareholding in the Fund free of any charges or deductions for at least 30 working days from the date of such notification.

This document is issued by Eric Sturdza Management Company S.A (“ESMC”), a regulated Management Company approved by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier under registration ID S00001025 and appointed by the Fund, registered for distribution in the countries under “Registration and Target Market Definition”, available at  ESMC’s registered office address is 16, rue Robert Stumper, L-2557 Luxembourg. ESMC has appointed E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited (“EISSML”), as the investment manager and global distributor which is regulated by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission and registered under Company Number 35985. EISSML’s registered office address is 3rd Floor, Maison Trinity, Rue du Pre, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 1LT. EISSML is part of the Eric Sturdza Group. The information contained herein is estimated, unaudited and may be subject to change.

This document is not intended for U.S. Persons pursuant to Regulation S of the Securities and Exchange Commission under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended ( The Fund presented in this document is not registered under United States federal securities laws or any other applicable law in the states, territories and possessions of the United States of America. Consequently, it cannot be marketed directly or indirectly in the United States (including its territories and possessions or areas subject to its jurisdiction) and to or for the benefit of U.S. Persons.

This document is for information purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or otherwise apply for shares in the Fund and any of the sub-funds, nor does it constitute investment, legal or tax advice. The information contained in this document reflects the opinion of E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited and may change without notice.

The Fund is subject to tax laws and regulations of Ireland. Depending on your home country of residence, this might have an impact on your investment. In general, the tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each potential investor and may be subject to change in the future. E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited has not considered the suitability of investment against your individual needs and risk tolerance. Any potential investor should assess the suitability of this investment solution to his/her risk profile. Investment in the Fund is suitable only for those persons and institutions for whom such investment does not represent a complete investment program, who understand the degree of risk involved (as detailed under the section headed “Risk Factors” in the Prospectus and Supplement), can tolerate a high level of volatility and believe that the investment is suitable based on the investment objectives and financial needs. Please consult your financial and tax adviser.

Investing in the Fund and any other sub-funds involves risks including the possible loss of capital. There can be no assurance that a sub-fund’s investment objective will be achieved or that there will be a return on capital. The value of an investment may go down as well as up and you may not get back the amount you originally invested. Past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Performance figures do not take into account commissions, costs incurred on the issue and redemption, nor local taxes. Please note that performance figures, reference benchmarks and asset allocation are provided for information purposes only. Before any investment decisions, you must read the Fund Prospectus, the relevant Key Information Document (KID) and Key Investor Information Documents (KIID)s, the articles of incorporation as well as the annual and semi-annual reports, to find out about the inherent risks, fees and conditions of the Fund. A copy of the English version of the prospectus of the Fund and the KID/KIID is available on and may also be obtained from Where required under national rules, the KID/KIID is also made available in the local language of the relevant EEA Member State. KID/KIIDs must be made available to the subscriber prior to subscription. A summary of investor rights associated with an investment in the Fund shall be available in English from Eric Sturdza Investments by contacting or via

Switzerland – The Fund is registered with FINMA for public distribution to Swiss non-qualified investors. The representative agent in Switzerland is CACEIS (Switzerland) SA and the paying agent is CACEIS Bank, Paris, Swiss Branch, 35 route de Signy, CH 1260 Nyon.  Copies of the Swiss Prospectus, Swiss KIIDs, Swiss articles of association, Swiss annual and semi-annual reports may be obtained free of charge in English and French at the Swiss representative or at Publication of subscription/redemption prices and NAV:

United Kingdom – The Fund is a Recognised fund in the United Kingdom under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. This document is a financial promotion and has been approved for the purposes of Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, by E.I. Sturdza Strategic Management Limited, which is an Authorised Schedule 5 entity. UK regulation for the protection of retail clients in the UK and the compensation available under the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme does not apply in respect of any investment or services provided by an overseas person. FE Fundinfo (UK) Ltd – Facilities Agent.





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