Emittent / Herausgeber: SCHIRP & PARTNER Rechtsanwälte mbB / Schlagwort(e): Rechtssache/Insolvenz 14.03.2023 / 09:40 CET/CEST Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich. Wirecard: Model proceedings are beginning in Munich Aggrieved Investors can assert their claims with very limited cost risk In a decision dated 13 March 2023 (Ref.: 101 Kap 1/22), the Bavarian Supreme Regional Court determined the model plaintiff in the Wirecard KapMuG proceedings. This means that the starting signal has been given for the commencement of the model proceedings. Investors now have the opportunity to assert their claims against EY with a very limited cost risk. „We are pleased that it is finally getting underway. Our goal in the model proceedings is to assert the investors‘ claims against EY in particular. To this end, it is particularly important to move forward quickly. We see it as our mission to bring the proceedings forward in the best possible way,“ said Dr Wolfgang Schirp from the law firm Schirp & Partner in Berlin. He also added: „We already represent most of the pending claims against EY and have extensive litigation experience against this opponent. We are fighting for the aggrieved investors to get their rights in the model case.“ Registration for the model case is possible from the date of publication in the Klageregister of the Bundesanzeiger (Federal Gazette) with a notice period of six months. The Bavarian Supreme Court has jurisdiction. As the court once again emphasised in its decision, it is mandatory to have the registration carried out by a lawyer. Injured investors should therefore not waste any time and file their claims in the model proceedings. The law firm Schirp & Partner not only represents the largest group of plaintiffs in the Wirecard/EY case, but also has many years of experience with capital investor model proceedings. Further information can be found at: www.schirp.com.
Veröffentlichung einer Mitteilung, übermittelt durch EQS Group AG. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.
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